Enroll by Dec 31st for our Jan 13th class start

Academy Information
View our 2023-2024 Course Catalog for full details. The Prospective student application is also below - download it and fill it out completely and bring to your interview along with the other required documents.
BBA Catalog and Application

Beyond Beauty Academy Catalog 2023-24
Beyond Beauty Academy Application
The final balance shall be paid full prior to completing the requirements for all programs. Payment plans are available and will not include the Book/Supply fees. All Book/Supply fees must be paid 2 weeks prior to the programs start date. Cash payments are accepted upon completing a truth-in-lending statement. Diplomas will be withheld from all students who owe arrears. All collections will be processed by an independent agency of Beyond Beauty Academy's choice.
Tuition and fees shall be paid in full prior to completing the requirements of the program of choice. Payment plans are available and will have to complete a truth-in-lending statement when making cash payments. The diploma may be withheld from any qualified student who is in arrears. Collection of fees in arrears will be processed by an independent collection agency of Beyond Beauty's choice.

Payment Options
Please note we do not finance the book/supply fee.
This fee must be paid 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the chosen program.
Payment can be made in full for the entire program. Payment can be accepted by cash, cashier check or credit card.
Pay an initial down payment amount and then finance the remainder of the tuition. The appropriate interest will be added and your payments will be divided by the total number of months in your program. Putting a portion of the financial amount down will result in smaller monthly payments. The student will be required to complete and sign a truth-in-lending statement at the time of enrolment. The truth-in-lending statement will itemize your monthly payment, interest rate and payment schedule.
Students who choose an option to pay their tuition in cash, without the aid of financial aid, will be required to complete a truth-in-lending statement detailing the name of student, amount of tuition owed to BBA, interest rate, number of payments and payment due date.
All tuition may be paid by cash, cashier check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. All tuition payments are due the first or fifteenth of the month. After the 5th or 20th of the month, there will be a late charge of 5% of the amount of the past due payment or $35, whichever is greater for all delinquent payments.
Time Payment Plans
Time payment plans allow you to finance tuition in monthly installments. There is an interest charge of 8% if you require a monthly bill (Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover). The student will be required to complete and sign a truth-in-lending statement at the time of enrollment. The truth-in-lending statement will itemize your monthly payment, interest rate and payment schedule.
Program Classes
Basic Barbering Program
1100 Hours
Basic Esthetics
600 Hours
Basic Nail Technician
150 Hours
State Board Prep
12 Hours
Basic Cosmetology Course
1500 Hours
Basic Make-up Technician
1 Day/wk FOR 6 wks
Basic Waxing Technician
115 Hours
Master Educator Course
400 Hours
We accept applications on a continuous basis. Enrollment will be based on quarterly timeframe in the Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter enrollment. Each application will be reviewed by the Director based on the criteria listed below:
Student Disclosure Information

Beyond Beauty Academy offers partial scholarships for students with a sincere passion for the field of Beauty .
Applicants will need to include a one page typed explanation of their financial need and why they desire to study in the Beauty field.
2508 Build America Dr, Hampton, VA 23666, USA
Mon-Friday: 8am-5pm Sat-Sunday: Closed
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